What are the tension threads?
One of the most obvious symptoms of aging is the loss of elasticity in the skin, due to the destruction of collagen and elastin in the epidermal tissue. This translates into facial flaccidity and the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines, a process that will become more pronounced over the years. Fortunately, aesthetic medicine offers numerous effective, safe and minimally invasive facial rejuvenation solutions, making them a good alternative to surgical interventions. One of them is the treatment with tensor threads.
Thread lift treatment is a non-surgical treatment whose main objective is to reduce the signs of aging thanks to the introduction of a dermal firming in the parts of the face most affected by aging. In this way, it is intended to recover the contour and natural shape of the face. Its results are used to:
• Improve skin firmness
• Elevation of the eyebrows
• Correct asymmetries
• Define the jaw
• Correct double chin
• Reduce wrinkles

How is the treatment carried out?
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