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What is Penile Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Penile biostimulation with Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is a novel treatment for male sexual dysfunctions with promising results according to the latest scientific advances.
It is an autologous material that comes from the patient's own blood sample. After applying specific techniques to the sample, the blood components are separated and the enriched platelets are extracted. This material has a large amount of growth factors and substances with reparative properties, which when injected into the tissues produce tissue regeneration and cellular rejuvenation.
what is platelet rich plasma
plasma procedure

How is the procedure performed?

The Platelet Rich Plasma treatment consists of introducing the plasma into the penile tissues (corpora cavernosa) through multiple injections. This improves blood circulation and vascular endothelial cells, and stimulates cell regeneration of the penile tissues. This improvement in blood circulation promotes erectile function and helps maintain penile rigidity.

In addition, growth factors have the property of stimulating collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid production, and this in turn promotes the regeneration of erectile tissue, thus improving its capacity for contractility.
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with discharge on the same day of the intervention.

What are the advantages of penile PRP?

Treatment with intracavernous injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) represents a novel treatment within the therapeutic options in male medicine, both for its safety and for its regenerative and stimulating properties of the penile vascular system.

In our clinic this treatment is included in the therapeutic protocols for different male sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction or Peyronie's disease.

As the Platelet Rich Plasma comes from the patient himself, this material is very well tolerated by the body, and has no chance of rejection.

The blessings of penile Platelet Rich Plasma include:
  • Firmer erections.
  • Increased duration of erection.
  • Autologous regenerative therapy.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Safe therapy with no chance of rejection.
  • Outpatient procedure.
Advantages of penile PRP


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